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  Tattoo Aftercare


-Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap. 

-Remove bandage after one hour but not longer then three hours. 

-Gently wash your tattoo with anti-bacterial soap and hot water using only your hand. Do not use a washcloth, sponge, or anything similar.

-Gently pat dry with a clean towel. Do not wipe your tattoo. 

-Let it air dry for about 5 minutes.

-Apply a very thin layer of A & D ointment or Aquaphor 3-4 times daily. Make sure to wash off  your tattoo with anti-bacterial soap and warm water before applying the  ointment. Make sure to also wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap before  applying  the A & D ointment or Aquaphor.

-Repeat this step for the next 3-4 days.

-After 3-4 days stop using the A & D ointment or Aquaphor and start applying fragrance free lotion 5-6 times a day until the tattoo is healed. 

-Again, make sure to wash hands before putting lotion on your tattoo.


Also remember: 

-stay out of swimming pools, hot tubs, baths, lakes and rivers or anything else that will submerge your tattoo under water for more then 15 minutes until  your tattoo has completely healed. 

-No tanning and try to stay out of direct sunlight until the tattoo has fully  healed. 

-Do not pick or scratch at your new tattoo.

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